The Women in Water Diplomacy Network Nile and Beyond Global Strategy 2022-2027 details the aims and objectives of the Network, together with the strategic pillars and guiding principles which underpin its work.

Woman in orange shirt with bright blue braids and pink lipstick with a broad smile
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Julienne Ndjiki
Programme Officer,
Transboundary Water Cooperation
Katie Goldie Ryder photo
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Katie Goldie-Ryder
Programme Manager (on leave),
Transboundary Water Cooperation
Elizabeth Koch
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Elizabeth Koch
Senior Manager
Environmental Law Institute

“The Women in Water Diplomacy Network is an informal community of practice comprised of both formal and informal women decision-makers and experts, representing over 500 years of collective experience and expertise in transboundary water management and decision-making engaged in some of the most water insecure regions of the world. The Network holds a cooperative vision, which recognizes the unique and intrinsic social, cultural, environmental, and economic values of transboundary water resources that traverse the landscapes of our one shared planet.

Despite challenges, we are bound together and jointly recognize the significant benefits that can result from improved transboundary water cooperation. Guided by our shared objectives, we discuss common challenges, share experiences, enhance understanding of each other and our countries’ perspectives, build trust, and support one another to seek mutually beneficial opportunities for cooperation to achieve sustainable water for all.”

Excerpt from the 2022 Women in Water Diplomacy Global Joint Statement.

This Women in Water Diplomacy Nile and Beyond Global Strategy 2022-2027 was developed by members of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network, Leadership Council, and Process Support team with input from Network members in Central Asia and Afghanistan as well as experts and Network partners.

The five strategic pillars

The overarching goal of the Women in Water Diplomacy Network is women’s empowerment and leadership in high-level decision-making in transboundary basins. This will be achieved through objectives and activities defined within five strategic pillars.

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A Rising Tide: Shared Vision for Women In Water Diplomacy

During our session at World Water Week (online and in-person in Stockholm), participants are invited to support the Network’s new ‘Nile and Beyond’ strategy and shared vision, and endorse the Network’s global call to action ‘A Rising Tide’.

11.00 - 12.30 CEST, Tuesday 30 August

Shared Waters Partnership

The Women in Water Diplomacy Network is part of the Shared Waters Partnership programme, which works to support transboundary water cooperation in conflict sensitive basins.

The Women in Water Diplomacy Network in the Nile

Since its launch in 2017, the Women in Water Diplomacy Network in the Nile has promoted women’s participation in high-level water diplomacy processes in the Nile basin. It has contributed to building both trust and an enabling environment for inclusive cooperation.

Through the network, members share experiences and lessons learned.

Women in Water Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan

The Women in Water Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan works across Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The network promotes women water professionals’ participation in decision-making in the water sector and gender mainstreaming in water governance.

Through the Network, women water experts from the region engage in joint capacity building, experience sharing, knowledge exchange, and skills building activities. The Network supports development of women water experts in the region and enhanced regional water cooperation.

Laying the Bedrock to Transformation

Read our inception and development report, which details how the Network began in 2013 and how it has grown to become the highly successful Network it is today.

Read the report

Partner organisations

Inernational Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management (Cap-Net) logo
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International Capacity Development Network for Sustainable Water Management (Cap-Net)
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World Bank’s Cooperation International Waters in Africa (CIWA)
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Environmental Law Institute
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Government of Netherlands
Flag of Sweden
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Government of Sweden
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LM International
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
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Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland
OSCE logo
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Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
CAREC logo
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Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
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United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
US Department of State logo
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US Department of State